Thursday, 23 June 2011

Discuss how ICT has impacted on Society as a whole?

Update your blog to include the following your ideas and research about the following topics –
  • Impact of ICT
    • Social
      • Effects on local communities (school, family, friends).
    • Economic
      • Employment, working practices, sustainability
    • Legal
      • Ownership, copyright, plagiarism.
    • Ethical
      • Privacy of information, unequal access
  • Unequal Access
      • Implications – locally, nationally, and globally.
  • Abuse of ICT
    • Cyberbullying
    • Phishing
    • Spam
    • Denial of Service Attacks

How has ICT affected your life?

You now need to set up your own blog, you will use this blog to record some information about the impact of ICT on your life.

Start by answering the following questions in your blog -
·        You must discuss the effect ICT has on your life on a daily basis
·        What ICT do you use?
·        How many hours a day?
·        How important is it to you?
·        What would you do with out it?
·        Do you parents use it?
·        How does it effect your school life?
·        Would the world be a better place without it?
·        Why?

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Setting up a Web/Video Conference

Here will be advice and evidence of how you set up a web/video conference. Using images as supporting evidence.
Example -